Energy Efficient Windows: Why You Need Them

How much do you spend on your heat and air conditioning bills every month? If you’re finding yourself dismayed at skyrocketing bills—but still uncomfortable in your own home—it might be time to find another solution.

Did you know that energy efficient window installation could reduce your energy bills dramatically? If your home has old, drafty windows, it’s worth considering replacement. While they’re an investment, new windows will pay for themselves in energy savings.

Here’s why you need energy efficient windows, and why they’re well-worth the investment if you’re uncomfortable at home.

Why are energy efficient windows different?

Energy efficient windows are specifically designed to keep hot or cold air from escaping your home. When hot air meets cold air, the heat moves through the cold air until the temperature evens out. That’s why a drafty window in the summer can lead to sweltering indoor temperatures. In the winter, that drafty window leaks heat out into the outdoors. Essentially, you’re paying to air condition or heat the entire block.

Most energy efficient windows accomplish this by using multiple panes of glass. They fill the spaces between the panes with inert, harmless gas like argon (or other noble gasses). This makes it harder for heat to move through the windows.

The end result is that you spend less money on air conditioning and heating bills throughout the year. In fact, the Department of Energy estimates that you can save over $400 per year if you switch to energy efficient windows. Over a few years, those savings will eventually pay for themselves.

What kinds of energy efficient window installation is available?

  • Window frame: You can choose from aluminum, metal, composite, fiberglass, vinyl and wood frames. Each offers specific advantages and drawbacks, but composite, vinyl and fiberglass frames tend to be the most energy efficient.
  • Pane type: Energy efficient windows are usually double or triple pane, filled with safe and inert gas. Krypton is the best choice, but it’s also the costliest. The space between the panels has to be thinner. Argon can be used when the space between the panels is about a half inch. It’s a good way to keep your energy costs low while maximizing savings.
  • Glazing type: Next, you’ll need to choose the glazing type. There are three different types: insulated, low-emissivity (low-e) and spectrally selective coatings. Insulated simply means there’s gas hermetically sealed between panes. Low-e glazing can reduce energy costs up to 50 percent. It lowers the u-factor of the window. Finally, spectrally selective can filter out 40 to 70 percent of the heat that move through windows.

Whatever type of window you choose, upgrading to energy efficient versions is a wise choice. As we all know, the weather is only going to get more extreme in the years to come—and so will utility prices. If you’re looking to make your home more energy efficient, start with your windows. For energy efficient window installation, call The Glass Shop today.